Naturopathic Medicine is a unique and distinct system of health care that emphasizes the use of prevention and natural therapeutics. The doctors who practice naturopathic medicine, called naturopathic doctors (NDs), are trained to serve as primary care general practitioners who are experts in the prevention, diagnosis, management, and treatment of both acute and chronic health conditions.
-California Naturopathic Doctors Association
Naturopathic doctors are licensed primary care doctors and complete their training at accredited, four-year, post-graduate naturopathic medical programs after the completion of an undergraduate degree and all pre-medical prerequisite courses. Similarly to conventional medical schools, the first two years of coursework focus on biomedical sciences, clinical sciences, pathology, and diagnosis. The third and fourth year includes comprehensive study of conventional standard of care and pharmaceuticals. However, much of the ND curriculum focuses on non-pharmaceutical/non-surgical approaches to managing patient conditions, and students spend much of their time studying preventative medicine, nutrition, lifestyle counseling, and health promotion. They also receive extensive training in botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, laboratory and clinical diagnosis, naturopathic physical medicine, and minor surgery. On average, Naturopathic medical students in the U.S. receive about 150 hours of nutrition training, nearly 1,500 hours of clinical training. In their third and fourth year, students receive hands on clinical training at their school's teaching and off-site clinics, as well as various preceptor sites.
Naturopathic treatments can be effective in treating a wide variety of conditions without the need for additional intervention, but Naturopathic doctors can also function in an integrated framework, and Naturopathic therapies can be used to complement treatments used by conventionally trained medical doctors. The result is a patient-centered, integrative approach that gives the patient the most appropriate treatment for their individual needs.
THe principles of Naturopathic Medicine
First Do No Harm
Identify and Treat the Cause
The Healing Power of Nature
Treat the Whole Person
Doctor as Teacher
Naturopathic doctors receive training in a number of different modalities. The therapies I use depend on each individual patient, their concerns, and their complete health history. Below are some of the most common treatment modalities I use.
Laboratory testing: conventional serum labs, and functional lab testing
Botanical medicine
Clinical nutrition
Nutrient injection therapy
PRP therapy- facial, filler injections, hair restoration
Lifestyle counseling
Nutritional counseling
Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy